Jesus Law of Liberty – A House Divided

Jesus Law of Liberty

A House Divided

Matt. 12:22-32

 Jesus was faced with hostile propaganda at every turn. The premise that if you tell a lie often enough, it will eventually be believed rings true. People are vulnerable to the lies of the devil, these lies are powerful because they give us the excuse we are looking for to continue as we are rather than to deal with the reality of our situation and make the changes required for us to be right with God. If it were true that Jesus was the Messiah then this would have had a profound effect upon the lives of all the people – just as it had upon His disciples who did believe. The Pharisees propaganda provided cover for those who wanted to hide from the reality that Jesus represented. Jesus understood all of this and so He challenged the propaganda of the Pharisees and demonstrated the fallacy of their argument against Him.

Read more here A House Divided