Jesus Law of Liberty – The Seed ParableĀ 

Jesus Law of Liberty

The Seed Parable

Matt. 13:31-33

The majority interpretation sees the parables as good news, 3 out of 4 seeds may be wasted and even when the good seed is planted in a good field the devil comes along and plants tares among the wheat. But, a mustard seed (very small) can grow into a tree becoming greater than the herbs and a place where birds will come and nest and a little leaven (very small in volume compared to the 3 measures of meal) will soon leaven the entire mix so that you will have enough bread for over a hundred people. So, also, the church with its little Christ and simple gospel will become powerful, so much so that it will be great and will leaven the world with the good news of Christ. Many philosophies will rise and fall but the church marches on.

Read more here The Seed Parables