Jesus’ Law of Liberty – The Witnesses

Jesus’ Law of Liberty                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The Witnesses

John 5:16,31-47

 Jesus was unashamed. The religious leaders were righteously indignant. This was a gap that would not be bridged. The observer has to choose between them. Clearly, there were problems with the position of the religious leaders. They would not admit that a miracle had been done to the glory of God. Jesus confronted them with this claim. They could not get past the Sabbath issue. There is no doubt that Jesus healed every day of the week but there is also no doubt that He never hesitated to heal on the Sabbath. For Jesus, it was a non- issue even though He knew the trouble it would bring to Him. The trouble was the context of His teaching. It was a context that inevitably followed actions that created the controversy. But, for Jesus, avoiding controversy was not His priority. He gave Himself to works of compassion and to the speaking of the truth.

Read more here The Witnesses