Jesus’ Law of Liberty – Order in the Midst of Chaos

Jesus’ Law of Liberty

Order in the Midst of Chaos

John 7

… Notice first that the conflict between Jesus and His brothers was over time and circumstance. They thought that Jesus should act now to gain the attention and notoriety that His miracles deserved. Jesus answer was not yet and not that way. We all run into the frustration of God’s timing vs. our timing. Our timing is usually yesterday and God’s is most likely tomorrow. Put another way, We say that when we pray, God will answer by saying Yes, No, or wait. We tend to dread the “wait” answer the most. Actually, the wait answer should be welcomed for it means that God shares our concern, that He is also deeply concerned for our general welfare, that He is paying attention to the state of our lives and has our best in mind, that He has His own specific priorities in respect to our needs, and that He is working to put us together in the way that He knows will work out for our good. Any answer that God gives should be welcomed because it is His answer. We should learn to love God’s timing because it is His timing.

Read more here Order in the Midst of Chaos