Jesus’ Law of Liberty – Spiritual Freedom

Jesus’ Law of Liberty 

Spiritual Freedom

John 8:31-36

You don’t have to make yourself at home in the Word. You don’t have to be guided and directed by the Word. You don’t have to experience God’s best. You can self-destruct if you want to. Living according to God’s Word may at first be uncomfortable. You may feel as if you are giving up the things you love. What you will find is that God has a plan to make your life satisfying and fulfilling like nothing you have ever imagined. You have made choices toward the fulfillment of your felt needs. But, you are deceived by your own desire for immediate gratification. When you compromise your integrity in order to get what you want you will not end up with what you really want. You cannot discover the blessings that God has planned for you unless you walk in the path of obedience to His Word and to His will as He has revealed it to you.

Read more here Spiritual Freedom