Jesus’ Law of Liberty – How to Get What you Ask for from God…

 How to Get What you Ask for from God…

Luke 11:1-13

 Then, to demonstrate what prayer should be about, Jesus gave what we call the Lord’s prayer. The context assumes that the listener is interested in properly practicing the discipline of prayer as a sincere minded and godly person should. Prayer as such has as its purpose to come into the presence of God and to commune with Him and experience an intimacy with God. Such praying should begin with praise and worship that honors the Lord. The prayer should acknowledge God’s will and agree that it must be the pray-er’s priority to see that will accomplished just as this is what God desires and works toward. The prayer should freely bring his daily needs before the Lord and confidently ask Him to provide for these needs. The prayer should confess his conscious commitments to obey the Lord and to honor what he knows to be God’s will, forgiving those who have offended you being a specific example of this kind of obedience and possibly one of the more challenging issues to stay on the right side of. The pray-er should be aware of his own vulnerability to temptation and of the determination of the evil one and so God’s grace and help must be sought. In the end, the outcome of every seeming uncertainty is assured. God will have the victory for His is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, amen.


Read more here How to Get What you Ask for from God