Jesus’ Law of Liberty – It’s All About the Supper

Jesus’ Law of Liberty 

It’s All About the Supper

Luke 14:1-24

…  But the man was genuinely ill and regardless of the motives of the Pharisees, the man would have viewed the opportunity to see Jesus as a chance to be healed. He certainly hoped to be noticed and helped. So when Jesus saw him, he asked the room, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” This was what they were all watching for, would Jesus heal the man? Would He have the nerve to heal on the Sabbath in the home of a Pharisee? No one answered Jesus’ question. They just waited and so Jesus healed him immediately and without hesitation. Then He said, “Which of you, having a donkey or an ox that has fallen into a pit, will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath Day?” Everyone understood the argument made by Jesus’ question. If you would “work” on the Sabbath to save your animal wouldn’t it also be right to “work” to save a soul? Their silence was an admission of their own insincerity.

Read more here It’s All About the Supper