Jesus’ Law of Liberty – What Jesus said and Knew about the Resurrection

Jesus’ Law of Liberty 

What Jesus said and Knew about the Resurrection

John 2:13-22

 What Jesus knew was the end from the beginning. The anger of the temple authorities ignored the obvious truth demonstrated by Jesus’ outrage over the misuse of the temple. The temple’s function was to act as a bridge between the people and God. The money changers and the temple leaders used the spiritual need of the people and the tradition of the Passover as means for personal profit. When Jesus challenged their priorities, they attacked Him. This was a for taste of what was to come. This conflict would escalate and become the cross. Jesus could see the cross from where He stood but He could also see beyond the cross to the empty tomb, to rising from the dead and to ultimately being seated at the right hand of the Father.

Read more here What Jesus said and Knew about the Resurrection