Wednesday Night Bible Study – Daniel 5:1-12

Wednesday Night Bible Study

 Daniel 5:1-12

… They all drank from the temple cups of gold and silver while praising the gods of gold and silver, bronze and iron, wood and stone. But the hilarity ceased when the hand of a man (unattached to any body) started writing on the wall. Immediately, Belshazzar went into a panic. “His hips were loosened and his knees knocked against each other. Belshazzar’s act had been a challenge to the God of the Hebrews and now God was answering. The people present could not tell what had been written and so the wise men were summoned. when they were also stumped by the writing, the queen entered and directed Belshazzar to call Daniel in since he had served Nebuchadnezzar successfully in similar situations.

Read more here Daniel 5,1-12