Jesus Laws of Liberty – Trust in God

Sunday Sermon Jesus Law’s of Liberty

Trust in God John 14:1-4

In the face of these troubles, these unwelcome circumstances and these uncomfortable distractions, what are we to do? Jesus encouraged the disciples to begin with a faith check. “You believe in God. Believe also in Me.” This was a word meant to reset the disciples thinking. They could remain caught up in all the uncertainties and the unknowables that Jesus had spoken to them or they could choose instead to remember and focus on what they did know. It might be worth mentioning that the source of the upset and the source of the assurance was the same. Just because something is difficult to deal with does not mean that we should remain ignorant or refuse to accept that it is reality. Jesus was putting these difficulties in front of the disciples and then turning the conversation so that they could handle the stress they were to encounter.