Jesus Law of Liberty – Joy in Jesus

Joy in Jesus

John 16:16-24

But, Jesus’ resurrection would change all of this so dramatically that it is really beyond the capacity of anyone who wasn’t there to comprehend or fathom the emotion and astonishment of those who were.  Having experienced the depths of utter loss and complete devastation.  They now experienced a complete reversal.  Their awareness of the meaning of what they were living remained limited in the immediate aftermath of the resurrection.  But, like the experience of heat or warmth after extreme cold, or a drink of cold water after extreme thirst, or rest after extreme exhaustion, or making up after a bitter argument, They had a dead Jesus who was now alive.  All of their loss had been turned into gain.  Every regret now no longer applied.  It was the most dramatic of new beginnings.  The word, “joy” is not enough.  Peter expanded on the thought with, “Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory.”