Sunday Sermon – Your Word is Truth

Your Word is Truth

John 17:16-19

The Bible is not a history book but to any historical issue to which it speaks, it speaks the truth.  The Bible includes many types of literature.  Poetry, prophecy, narrative, legal, gospel, apocalyptic, wisdom and so forth.  Each passage should be understood in the context of the kind of literature that it is.  For example, the 10 commandments have a moral component so that they define right and wrong.  The wisdom of Proverbs offers advice that distinguishes the wise from the foolish.  There is a wisdom component in the commandments and there is a moral component in the proverbs but they are not the same and are not meant to be received in the same way.  We could go on but the point is that the Bible is true and that it must be read and thought about in an intelligent way.