Jesus Law of Liberty – An Evil and Adulterous Generation

Jesus Law of Liberty

An Evil and Adulterous Generation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Matt 12:38-50

 Jesus is questioned by the Pharisees at another time and place. They ask, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” Jesus’ answer was consistent with His sayings that Matthew had just recorded. Again, Jesus responded to opposition with words that warned of a judgment to come. Jesus lived closer to the judgment that we do. He had come from God and He was returning to God. Peter says that a thousand years are like a day to God and a day like a thousand years. God created the means by which we measure time. He created time. But He is not limited by time. He operates inside and outside of time. From outside of time, it would seem that all of the events of time could be seen simultaneously. From this perspective judgment looms large. It is imminent. It is decisive. It dwarfs any other concern.

Read more here An Evil and Adulterous Generation