Jesus’ Law of Liberty – Do You understand?

 Jesus; Law of Liberty

Do You Understand?

Matt 13:47-52

At the end of the age, when your life has long been over, the angels will separate the wicked from the just. The wicked will be cast in to the lake of fire where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Some see the those caught in the net as the church. There are, according to Jesus’ parables, both good and bad people in the church. To be in the church in the sense of being a member of Calvary-Grace Church, does not mean that you have genuinely been saved. We require that our members profess Christ and follow Jesus in believers baptism. But, we have to take people on their word. We cannot guarantee that every member of our church is a Christian. The fact is that everyone will come to the judgment as either good or bad, saved or lost, sincere or hypocrite, genuine disciple or pretender. There will be a judgment. Are you ready?

Read more here Do You Understand