Jesus’ Law of Liberty – Jesus Saves the Accused Woman

 Jesus’ Law of liberty

Jesus Saves the Accused Woman

John 7:53-8:12

Our Scripture passage is not found in some of the oldest manuscripts and so there is some debate among scholars as to whether the paragraph is authentic Scripture. Augustine believed that the paragraph might have been skipped by some scribes due to concern that the passage might weaken the churches’ commitment to marital fidelity. We are not troubled by any doubt as to whether this story belongs in the Bible and we are not fearful that Jesus’ compassion toward this woman has weakened the Bible’s case for the moral and societal advantages of marital exclusivity. In the story Jesus acts as the one who truly was wiser than Solomon and His wisdom needs to be heard by our culture as we are in desperate need of direction. We live in an anything goes world and we are watching the morays of sexual behavior and what is acceptable or not blow up in a very public way.

Read more here Jesus Saves the Accused Woman