Jesus’ Law of Liberty –  I am the Door of the Sheep

Jesus’ Law of Liberty

I am the Door of the Sheep

John 10:1-10

 In the chapter this obscure soul who was regarded by all as less than a whole person is suddenly put on center stage by the circumstance of his healing. He, who before was born blind, in the minds of the religious, cursed by God from birth, is now the primary witness to the most profound of miracles, that of his own healing. So they asked him, “Are you the one who sat and begged?” “How were your eyes opened?” “Where is He (the one who healed you)?” “How did He do it?” “What do you say about Him who opened your eyes?” “Give God the glory. We know this man was a sinner.” “What did He do to you? How did He open your eyes?” “We know that God spoke to Moses. as for this fellow, we do not know where He is from…” “You were completely born in sins, and are you teaching us?” In answer to all of these questions the formerly blind man preached one of the most powerful sermons in the New Testament. He reasoned, The man who has given sight to a man born blind must be from God! From this simple and straightforward conclusion the blind man saw the truth and gave witness to religious leaders who refused to accept what was right in front of their noses.

Read more here I am the Door of the Sheep