Jesus’ Law of Liberty – Critiquing Basic Assumptions

Jesus’ Law of Liberty

Critiquing Basic Assumptions

Luke 16

 What would it have been like to converse with Jesus and just talk about life? We read in the gospels about this exact experience as lived by others. One example would be the time when Peter asked the Lord, “When my brother sins against me, for how long should I forgive him, as many as seven times?” Remember that Jesus’ answer was not what Peter expected. Jesus did not agree with Peter’s premise. He did not respond at all in the direction that Peter expected. Jesus answered, not seven times but seventy times seven times. The sense that I want you to have is that it wasn’t safe to talk to Jesus. I am using the word “safe” in the sense of expecting what you get and getting what you expect. Jesus was a teacher who taught what was most important whether His listeners were open to the truth or not.

Read more Critiquing Basic Assumptions