Jesus’ Law Of Liberty – A Series of Surprises

Jesus’ Law Of Liberty 

A Series of Surprises

Luke 17:11 – 19:27


 Then the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come. The Pharisees never asked sincere questions. They never asked a question without “knowing the answer.” They were always trying to get Jesus to say something they could use against Him. No doubt, this was no exception. If Jesus had said that the kingdom has come they would have accused Him of blasphemy. If He had said that the kingdom was still future then they would have said that Jesus was clearly not the Messiah because if He were then the Kingdom would be here. Instead, Jesus warned them not to pay attention to the people who were declaring that this or that sign proved the kingdom was or was not here because… “the kingdom of God is within you.” The Pharisees had never thought of it that way before and Jesus’ statement suggests a question, If the kingdom of God were to be within you, would you know it?

Read more here A Series of Surprises