Jesus’ Law of Liberty –  The Narrow Way

 The Narrow Way

Matt. 7:13,14

But we should also see that when you enter through the narrow gate your journey proceeds down the narrow way. The multitudes will not accept the teachings of Jesus and live by them rather than by their own reason and desires. Religious expression is corrupted by selfish ambition and pride. The truth of the law is distorted by a system of self-justification. Spiritual identity is expressed by a nationalistic spirit and ethnic superiority rather than by attitudes of humility and submission to God. An angry resistance to oppression keeps the people down and blocks them from the opportunity of spiritual advantage. Worries over financial security become an obsession with money and the treasures that money buys, replacing trust in God and a focus on the eternal. Whatever standards or values that the majority embraces becomes the basis for the condemnation of any who do not conform. Taking care of number one is the mantra to the exclusion of charity or sacrifice made on behalf of the needy


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